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5 Everyday Tips for Digital Security

With so much of our every day lives connected to the internet, we can automate simple tasks like starting the car, adjusting the thermostat, and even turning off the lights. However, with this great sense of convenience, we are also more vulnerable to data breaches and hackers. Research from Microsoft found that in 2020, the U.S. was the target of 46% of cyberattacks, more than double any other country. Are you worried your digital office or home may be at risk? Let’s go over some ways to strengthen your network.

1. Secure your Wi-Fi Network

When you set up your Wi-Fi router it is important to change the default password it comes with. A wireless network is one of the first and easiest ways a hacker can access your network and all of the devices connected to it.

2. Keep up with Passwords

In the same vein as the last step, passwords in general should be complex because they safeguard valuable information. A strong password is unique with varying letters, numbers, symbols and capital letters. Avoid reusing the same password for different accounts.

3. Use a VPN

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a software that runs in the background on your browser and it has the capability of masking your web activity and encrypting your data. VPNs are especially handy when you are using a public Wi-Fi network you can’t trust, like in a coffee shop or mall. By constantly changing your IP address and cloaking your activity, a VPN makes it extremely difficult for a cybercriminal to steal your information.

4. Avoid Exchanging Work and Home Information

Frequently exchanging data between personal and professional networks can increase the risk of a data breach. Company-provided tech has security measures in place so it’s most beneficial to use it when working out of the office, if possible. A VPN should always be active when connecting to a corporate network from a personal device.

5. Update your Apps and Browsers

Mobile apps and internet browsers offer frequent updates and it is critical to your digital safety that you install them in a timely manner. Updates provide interface improvements for the user as well as safety and security upgrades. Keep your apps and browsers up to date!

Don’t become a victim to a cybersecurity attack. Ensure that your work and personal networks are secure by implementing these tips into your daily routine. Think about your family, your assets, and everything you have worked so hard to build up over the years. Poor digital security isn’t worth losing it all. Keep these steps in mind the next time you’re surfing the web.

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