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Decluttering Your Home for the New Year

If you’re not regularly organizing your belongings, things in your home can accumulate quickly. In fact, a 2021 study found that 8 out of 10 Americans have an entire room designated to stashing clutter. If this sounds familiar, fear not! We’ve put together a list of 7 easy things you can do to declutter your home to start the new year on the right foot.

1. Donate Old Clothes

Not only are you decluttering your home, but you are helping those in need. Dedicate a weekend to bagging up your old clothes and drop them at a donation sight like Goodwill.

2. Find Better Storage

Not everything needs to be thrown out- some items might just be out of place. Take a walk around your home and find a place out of the way where you can store items neatly.

3. Make a Habit out of Clearing Clutter

A little bit goes a long way. If you remove one piece of clutter every day, that’s 30-31 pieces of junk no longer in your home each month. Make decluttering a habit by doing it daily.

4. Set a Timeline

People with a lot of clutter tend to already procrastinate quite a bit. Before you declutter your space, set a realistic timeline for when you should finish to keep the operation on track.

5. Use Shelves and Bins

Make proper use of shelving and storage bins to consolidate your things. You will notice an immediate increase in free space with the added benefit of being able to clearly see and grab items you store.

6. Go Vertical

Shelves and bins are a great tool, but consider using storage designed to stack vertically. Hangers and hooks can also be an easy solution to9 clear space.

 7. Use Baskets

 Ever feel like no matter what you do your desk is always cluttered? Easy- get a basket! This is an easy solution you can find for under $10 in a variety of different styles.

Leave the mess in last year and let this be the year you tackle clutter head on. Keep this list handy to give yourself the peace of mind you deserve in the new year and beyond.

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