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Anyone who has sold a home before knows just how important staging is to the selling process. According to the National Association of Realtors’ 2019 Home Staging report, 83% of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for buyers to visualize the property as a future home. When people are looking for a […]

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As some states are beginning to reopen, we are all left wondering what the new normal will be. Regardless if your state has reopened, is in the process of reopening, or has plans to reopen soon, it’s important to be aware and follow the current guidelines set by the state and cities you’re working in. […]

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While it may be true that more and more buyers are searching for their homes online, open houses still remain an important part of the sales strategy. While the share of sellers hosting open houses fell in 2020-2021, 67% of home sellers hosted at least one open house in 2022. To reach those online home […]

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Preparing for a new year always brings new challenges and new ideas. Here are some ways you can prepare your business for 2020 and some coming trends. State of the Market There has been a lot of discussion that a correction, or recession, will be coming in 2020. However, unlike past recessions, the housing market […]

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